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In this folder you will find all the information about flights, documents and visits you will be doing during your trip to the US.

In this folder you will find all the information about flights, documents and visits you will be doing during your trip to the US.

In this folder you will find all the information about flights, documents and visits you will be doing during your trip to the US.

In order to request the most useful and pertinent meetings for you while you are in the USA, we need as much detailed information as possible regarding exactly what organizations, what businesses, what university departments, what level of decision makers you are hoping to meet.

Please take the time to research and give us the names of the businesses/institutions/organizations and if possible a person’s contact information you may have or find in order to request professional meetings with this institution.

In this folder you will find all the information about flights, documents and visits you will be doing during your trip to the Basque Country.

In this folder you will find all the information about flights, documents and visits you will be doing during your trip to the Basque Country.

In order to request the most useful and pertinent meetings for you while you are in the Basque Country, we need as much detailed information as possible regarding exactly what organizations, what businesses, what university departments, what level of decision makers you are hoping to meet.

Please take the time to research and give us the names of the businesses/institutions/organizations and if possible a person’s contact information you may have or find in order to request professional meetings with this institution.

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